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As residents of the rainy Pacific Northwest, we might assume that clean, fresh water in our streams and rivers will always be ours for the asking. But pollution, urbanization and other population pressures challenge this assumption.

Clark County administers the Clean Water Division to safeguard the quality of our streams, rivers and lakes and comply with the federal Clean Water Act and state regulations. The program's primary activities include stormwater capital improvements, water quality monitoring, public education and outreach, regulations and enforcement and stormwater maintenance.

As the county's population continues to increase, the Clean Water Division is committed to keeping our waterways clean for people, fish and wildlife. Click here for an overview of our program.

Cover for the Clark County Stream Health Report

Stream Health Report - Check out the latest Clark County Stream Health Report. Explore interactive maps to compare past report data, view trends at nine long term monitoring sites and see which local streams met state standards for six water quality parameters.

2024-2029 Stormwater Capital Plan - Learn about how Clark County's Stormwater Capital Program works to protect waterways by updating or building new stormwater facilities to remove pollutants and slow down runoff, repairing existing facilities, planting trees, preserving streamside habitat, rehabilitating stream channels and more.

2021 Stormwater Manual Update - Clark County made updates to its 2015 Stormwater Manual and associated code that went into effect on July 1, 2021.

Explore Your Watershed - Clark County and Stormwater Partners of SW Washington received a grant to replace watershed signs throughout the county and develop an interactive watershed map. Visit the map, Explore Your Watershed, and learn more about the project at

Low Impact Development overview - New stormwater regulations in 2016 require the use of LID where feasible for new development or redevelopment projects in Clark County. These techniques allow water to soak into the ground close to where it falls. More >>

Division Information

Clean water projects - Current and recently completed projects developed to collect and treat polluted storm runoff

Salmon and steelhead protection - County efforts to protect the declining salmon and steelhead population

Stormwater facility maintenance - Maintenance standards for public and private stormwater facilities

Stormwater management - Stormwater plan, code and manual regulations and Clean Water Commission meeting notes

What you can do for clean water - Programs and resources to help improve our clean water habits and our community's water resources, including Canines for Clean Water and storm drain marking.

To report spills, dumping into surface water or storm drains, and illicit sewer and waste water connections to the stormwater drainage system, call: Washington Department of Ecology 24-Hour Spill SW Region Response Hotline at 360.407.6300. More information (including on-line form) at:

For more information about the Clean Water Division programs, call 564.397.4345 or email