What Is a Pre-Incorporation Contract?

A corporation is one of the most common forms of doing business, both in the United States and around the world. Millions of businesses take advantage of the corporate form. Corporate organization is not limited to giant companies but is available even to small and medium-sized businesses. Before incorporating, however, you may want to consider drawing up a pre-incorporation contract.

Advantages of an Incorporation Agreement

Business people agree to incorporate for three key reasons, according to ​The Corporation: Its History and Future​ at the Kirkus website.

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According to the IRS, there were 5.8 million active corporations that filed tax returns in 2011, the most recent year of IRS data. Corporations reported ​$81.3 trillion​ in assets and ​$26.2 trillion​ in revenue, thereby accounting for a major portion of the national economy.

Types and Importance of Pre-Incorporation Contracts

You may decide to incorporate your business to take advantage of the various benefits of the corporate structure. If so, consider drawing up a pre-incorporation contract to define roles, responsibilities and liabilities during the period before incorporation.

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There are two key situations where such a contract may be desirable:

Internal Arrangements: According to the Odgers Law Group, a pre-incorporation agreement can serve to spell out the responsibilities of the incorporators with details such as who will lead the company and who will act as its financial officer. If individuals contribute personal resources to the company, such as a car, apartment space or checking account, the agreement can specify the role of these resources and terms of compensation before actual incorporation.

Business Agreements: If you are engaged with business deals and contracts with other firms, a pre-incorporation contract can protect your operations before actual incorporation. For example, a contract may specify that corporate-like limited liability is in effect even prior to the issuance of formal incorporation documents. Additionally, the pre-incorporation contract can specify that legal authority transfers from individual business owners to the actual corporation once the incorporation is complete.

Be Careful What You Wish For

A pre-incorporation contract is intended as a temporary agreement on legal arrangements prior to the actual act of incorporation. However, as the LawTeacher website notes, such agreements can create complications if they are not carefully crafted.

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For example, suppose the pre-incorporation contract identifies the soon-to-be-incorporated company by a particular name, such as Acme Widgets. If the incorporators then decide they prefer a different name, the change may invalidate the contract since Acme Widgets never formally comes into existence. Similarly, specifying a state of incorporation in a contract may restrict your ability to choose another state that turns out to be a more attractive venue.

A pre-incorporation contract that is overly specific about the type of work and business the company will engage in might inhibit the ability of the incorporators to expand into new areas of business.

If you decide that a pre-incorporation contract is an appropriate tool for your business, use the services of an experienced corporate lawyer to craft a trouble-free instrument to get you and your business associates through the important transition period between a non-incorporated and incorporated business venture.
