NHS Workforce Alliance Insourced Services to support the Provision of Healthcare Services (RM6276)

Created by NHS Workforce Alliance, this free to access framework supports trusts to secure additional clinical capacity to bring down waiting times and ensure patients can be seen within the trusts.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing pressures on NHS waiting lists, with 5 million patients now waiting to start treatment. NHS trusts and ICSs may be looking to insourcing models as a way of managing the backlog and bringing down waiting times.

Insourcing models are one way of tackling the backlog while ensuring you can retain capacity planning in-house. Insourcing is a term used to describe a range of medical and clinical services, which are deployed to utilise spare, out-of-hours capacity within a trust, in addition to the trust’s existing provisions, with the intention to bolster service outputs and improve efficiency. Such services are typically provided by medical or clinical providers who can provide the specialist capabilities required to deliver an end-to-end service, including clinical governance and oversight.

NHS Workforce Alliance framework for Insourced Services to support the Provision of Healthcare Services by the NHS and other public bodies (including clinical services) is free to access and of f ers you a short to medium-term solution to secure extra clinical capacity and ensure patients can be seen within the trust.

The agreement includes the provision of clinical services to support you with meeting waiting time targets and easing pressure by utilis i ng the services of providers on NHS premises, allowing you to retain capacity planning.

With the option for direct award and further competition, our insourcing framework offers you access to a broad range of services, both adult and paediatric, under the Light Touch Regime including, but not limited to:

The framework agreement was established under the Light Touch Regime and will be reopened regularly throughout its term to enable additional/new suppliers to apply for inclusion.