Criminal Constitutional Rights

Constitutional laws are the rights and laws which originate from the Constitution of the United States, which was signed in 1787. The laws found in this document embody the rules and regulations that govern the country and the rights of the individuals who reside in the United States.

Constitutional laws govern and regulate the federal, state, and local governments in the U.S. These laws provide the legal parameters for what the government is permitted to do and what it is forbidden to do as well as outlines the basic rights of the country’s citizens.

In addition, every state in the United States has its own constitution that governs its citizens. Constitutional law is commonly associated with specific fundamental rights, including:

The authority on all constitutional law issues is the United States Supreme Court. The only way to override a decision which is made by the Supreme Court is a constitutional amendment that is approved by three-fourths of the states.

Constitutional lawyers are lawyers who assist their clients by defending the U.S. Constitution as well as the rights and freedoms which are guaranteed to citizens of the United States. Constitutional lawyers play an important role in protecting the freedoms within the country as well as the rights and freedoms that are promised in the Constitution.

In the United States, constitutional laws are the supreme laws of the land. Any other law or rule that Congress or the states create cannot violate the Constitution.

A constitutional lawyer is able to represent a plaintiff in litigation when they believe their constitutional rights have been violated. The Constitution provides numerous freedoms and civil liberties for United States citizens.

These civil liberties determine what individuals are free to do and what the government is prohibited from doing. A constitutional right is essentially a right which protects individuals from unfair and unconstitutional treatment by the federal or state government.

Constitutional law governs a broad area of cases and may be very complex. Constitutional claims may include numerous issues, such as: