The Sunday School Teacher's Blog

A fun activity/lesson that I did with my youth group was an evening of "Random Acts of Kindness". It was a night about thinking of the little things, and how much they can brighten your day. Here is a brief outline of the lesson plan:

- Discuss Random Acts of Kindness (What are they? examples, did you ever do some? did someone ever do something little for you that really meant a lot?)

-Make and action plan (Think of as many Random Acts of Kindness that your group could do, both tonight, and as a challenge throughout the week, perhaps getting kids to report back with a list the next week. Even offering a prize for the person who completes the most kind acts)

-DO IT! (Swarm your community, fill the streets with kindness, get out there and spread the love, God's love.

Some easy/cheap ideas for Random Acts of Kindness that our group tried were;

The best part about doing random Acts of Kindness is the smiles you get. Our best smile was from sweet woman who was out for an evening walk. She was shocked and overjoyed when we surprised her with a small bouquet of flowers. You could tell that she really appreciated them, and I hope that it made her day just a little bit brighter.

So get out there! Spread the smiles, spread the kindness, and spread the love.

*Random Acts of Kindness week is was February 11-15, watch for it next year!